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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology


Girls Engineering Week 2024

조회수391 등록일2024-06-17


* Date: July 12th (Fri) - August 2th (Fri), 2024

* Venue: Online and Offline(regionally designated locations)

* Hosted by: Korea Foundation for Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (WISET)

* Organized by: R-WeSET regional offices

* Sponsorship : Ministry of Science and ICT, National Research Foundation of Korea, local governments, provincial offices of education, etc.

* Estimated number of attendees: About 1,060 female middle and high school students

* Main Content

- Online lecture ‘Girls’ Engineering Talk’ (WISET)

- The program includes field trips, special lectures, mentoring, and other engineering major exploration and experience activities for female students