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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology


WISET collaborates on harnessing female talent in high-tech strategic industries with Daegu, Gwangju, and Chungbuk Techno Parks [Press Release]

조회수49 등록일2024-08-26

WISET collaborates on harnessing female talent in
high-tech strategic industries with Daegu, Gwangju, and
Chungbuk Techno Parks

April 3, 2024/February 28, 2024/February 1, 2024 

The Korea Foundation for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology (WISET, President of
WISET Moon Aree) announced that it signed an MOU with local techno parks to utilize more female talent
in STEM and develop local industries. 

WISET signed the MOUs with Chungbuk Techno Park (Chungbuk TP, Director Oh Won Geun) on January 31, 2024,
Daegu Techno Park (Daegu TP, Director Do Gun Woo) on February 16, 2024, and Gwangju Techno Park (Gwangju TP,
Director Kim Young Jip) on April 2, 2024.

Through these MOUs, WISET and the respective organizations will cooperate in support of the professional
development and smooth job entry of women in STEM within the regions and to create an ecosystem in which
local companies and human resources can mutually develop.

The details of the MOUs encompass cooperation in fostering companies in the local high-tech strategic industry
and creating jobs for female R&D personnel, sharing information resources to identify and promote programs to
support the employment and growth of female talent in STEM, cooperation in building an ecosystem for career
growth through the expertise of women in STEM, and support for career development consulting focused
on local industries.

Moon Aree, President of WISET, mentioned that “as a leading institution in value creation for women in STEM,
WISET strives to help women in STEM in strategic industries play a leading role in local communities and to create
opportunities contributing to local economic development via MOUs with local institutions. Based on the R-STATION*
 project, WISET looks forward to further activating the ecosystem for the entry and career growth of women in STEM
 within the regions.”

* R-STATION (Regional STATION): This is a project for supporting unemployed or career-interrupted women in STEM
 within regions, which is a part of the Ministry of Science and ICT's project to foster and support women in STEM.
R-STATION aims to provide tailored employment support and secure employment-related capabilities for women in
STEM within regions.

Oh Won Geun, Director of Chungbuk TP, mentioned that “Chungbuk TP’s experience and know-how of R&D
recruitment support will contribute to the employment stabilization of local SMEs and women in STEM who face
difficulties due to maternity and paternity leave. Along with WISET, which is a leading institution in value creation
for women in STEM, Chungbuk TP will promote creating an ecosystem in which scientists and engineers in the
region can continuously grow in order to implement ESG management for local communities.”

Do Gun-woo, Director of Daegu TP, said, “Securing excellent human resources is becoming more important to
foster companies in rapidly changing, high-tech strategic industries. Daegu TP, which is a regional organization
 that supports companies, will become the center for harnessing female talent to lead the high-tech industry
within the region with WISET. I hope that this MOU can support the development of local industries and the influx
of talented people.”

Kim Young Jip, Director of Gwangju TP, said, “Gwangju TP will lead the way in resolving the career interruption of
local female talents in STEM and solving the lack of human resources in high-tech strategic industries. The director
also mentioned that Gwangju TP will do its best to revitalize the local economy and create jobs for female R&D
personnel by solving the manpower shortage issue that local companies are currently experiencing through the
reemployment of career-interrupted women and arranging productive meetings between the talents needed
companies and women who want to be reemployed.”