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Korea Foundation for Women i n Science, Engineering and Technology


Career-interrupted women in STEM become intellectual property experts [Press Release]

조회수60 등록일2024-08-26

Career-interrupted women in STEM become intellectual
property experts

May 2, 2024 

- WISET recruits trainees for Professional Training in IP-R&D Research Analysis
for career-interrupted women in STEM (~May 20)

The Korea Foundation for Women in Science, Engineering, and Technology (Moon Aree, President of WISET)
 announced the recruitment of trainees for the Professional Training in IP-R&D Research Analysis* course
for career-interrupted women in STEM through May 20, 2024.

*The IP-R&D Professional Training is for training experts in IP-R&D strategies, and trainees can develop
an understanding of IP rights and acquire analytical skills for establishing R&D strategies.

As the importance of IPRs has recently been highlighted, there is increasing corporate demand for experts
in IP-R&D strategies. Thus, since 2022, WISET has been operating a training course for women in STEM
who left the research field due to pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare to reemploy them in the intellectual
property field, which has a high demand for human resources. 

The training will be held for five weeks from June 4 to July 8, 2024. The training program consists of courses
for developing practical skills that are needed in the field - basic patent courses such as patent specification
writing, patent trends, environmental analysis, and patent big data analysis techniques as well as advanced
courses such as prior art search and patent analysis for establishing core patent response strategies and R&D direction.

After completing the training, trainees can be employed in various fields, including careers such as intellectual
property researchers, patent research analysts, prior art researchers, patent engineers, and intellectual property
consulting in private companies, public institutions, and patent law firms. 

* 80% of the trainees who completed the training were employed in IP-R&D in 2023.

Importantly, WISET will continue to support career-interrupted women in STEM in returning to quality
jobs after the training by establishing a job cooperation network with related institutions, operating on-site
matching days (IP practice project competitions), and providing 1:1 customized consulting services through
current patent attorneys and professional employment counselors. 

In addition, this training will enhance its professionalism and further strengthen job placement support through
collaboration with intellectual property professional organizations such as the Korea Intellectual Property Strategy
Agency and the Korea Patent Attorneys Association.

WISET will select 20 career-interrupted and unemployed women (bachelor's degree or higher) in STEM.
The training will be delivered offline and will be fully funded by WISET.

Participants can apply for the training via the W Bridge platform (www.wbridge.or.kr) by May 20. For training-related
inquiries (e.g., how to apply), please contact the Career Return to R&D Support Team of WISET
(☎02-6411-1012).  //End//